Friday, August 11, 2017



Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita biasanya berhadapan dengan aktivitas tawar menawar. Dalam bahasa Inggris ungkapan tawar menawar disebut bargaining/negotiation. Bargaining adalah tawar menawar yang dilakukan oleh penjual dan pembeli untuk mendapatkan kesepakatan harga yang baik antar keduanya. Bargaining banyak sekali dilakukan di negara-negara Asia dan mulai ditinggalkan di negara-negara maju seperti di Eropa dan Amerika walaupun masih terdapat pasar-pasar yang melakukan praktek bargaining ini seperti Farmer Market dan  lainnya.

Here are some expressions in negotiation:
Dibawah ini ada beberapa ungkapan tawar menawar:

Here are expressions for asking about prices:
   - How much is it?    
   - How much does it cost?
   - What does this book cost?
   - How much is this book?
   - How much is that all together? 
   - How much do these pens cost?
   - How much will that be all together 
If you as a customer do bargaining you could use this expression:
   - How about .................dollars?
   - How about .................rupiahs?
   - Can you make it lower?
   - Can you lower the price?
   - Can you give me a discount?
   - Is there any discount?
   - That's too expensive, how about Rp. ..............?
   - Oh, that's rather expensive, how about ...................?
   - Is there any discount for this dress? 
What do you say if you as a seller accept the bargaining?
To accept the bargaining we use the expression as:
   - Yes, I'll give you .................% discount.
   - That's ok.
   - Well, just a little.
   - Just for you, madam/sir. ..................
And you could use the expressions below if you as seller refuse the bargaining :
   - I'm sorry, it's the fixed price.
   - I'm afraid you can't bargain.
   - I'm sorry, we don't put a discount on this product.

Agar lebih jelas ada baiknya kita lihat percakapan dibawah ini:

A: Can I help you with anything?
B: I would like to see that long dress, please.
A: Of course. Here you go.
B: Do you have this in a smaller size? Maybe around size 10.
A: Yes. We have just about every size here from size 5 to 20.
B: Does this come in any other colors?
A: Yes, we have this one in white and blue. I also have this other style in green.
B: How much is the blue one? (menanyakan harga)
A: It’s $32.
B: $32? What about the green one? (menanyakan harga)
A: That’s $30.
B: That seems a little high. Can you do better on the price? (mulai menawar)
A: This is a designer dress and it has good quality. It’s a good bargain at that price. (penjual menjelaskan kualitas barang)
B: Is that your best offer? (menawar lagi)
A: That’s the best I can do. (menolak tawaran)
B: Well, I don’t know. I think I’ll shop around. (pura-pura pergi, trik ibu-ibu!)
A: Okay, how about $28. (penjual menawarkan harga dibawah harga awal)
B: That’s still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one? (masih menawar dengan alasan tidak sesuai budget tp mau ngambil 2 ;) , trik ibu-ibu!)
A: I’ll give you both of them for $55. (penjual memberi harga dibawah harga awal)
B: That’s not much of a break on the price. How about $50 for both? (masih menawar dengan alasan masih mahal, mantap ni ibu)
A: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You won’t find it cheaper anywhere else. (penjual memberikan harga dibawah harga sebelumnya lagi)
B: Why don’t we split the difference and make it $52? (masih menawar ni ibu, minta kurang sedikit lagi)
A: Okay, okay. You’ve got a deal (penjual menyerah)

Kalimat yang di tebalkan merupakan proses tawar menawar antara penjual dan pembeli dimana proses tawar menawarnya sangat sengit. Selamat belajar dan jangan lupa dipraktekkan dirumah.


Bargaining Video


  1. assalamualaikum
    Reny Gustiandri
    II APAPL.a

  2. Assalamualaikum
    Sofia nurjanah
    2 apapl (a)

  3. Assalamualaikum pak
    Ay Siti R Saraan
    II APAPL-a hadir pak
