Sunday, August 13, 2017



Gerund adalah bentuk V-ing dari kata kerja yang difungsikan sebagai kata benda (noun). Gerund berbentuk sama dengan present participle, tetapi mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda dan juga bukan berarti “sedang”.

A.    Penggunaan Gerund
1        Sebagai subject
Ex: Smoking is bad for your health
2        Sebagai object
Ex: They finish speaking
3        Sebagai subjective complement
Ex: one of his worst habits is telling lies
4        Digunakan di belakang No …… (membentuk kalimat pendek yang menyatakan larangan atau peringatan)
Ex: No parking!, No smoking!, No spitting!
5        Sebagai appositive (keterangan tambahan) dalam suatu kalimat
Ex: His method, shooting and killing, eventually came to an end
6        Digunakan di belakang Possesive adjective/possessive noun
Ex: I don’t mind your living here, I am annoyed about John’s forgetting to pay
7         Digunakan setelah kelompok kata (phrase) tertentu seperti: it’s no use ……, it is no good ……, it’s worth ……, Would you mind ……, Subject + can’t help……
/Stand ……
Ex: I can’t help feeling angry about it, I think it is no use trying again
8         Digunakan setelah kata depan (preposition) without, after, before, instead of, about, by.
Ex: before leaving the house, I locked the door/after washing the rise, I cooked it
9        Digunakan setelah kata kerja tertentu (certain verb) seperti admit advice, avoid, enjoy, consider, forget, dislike etc.
Ex: They enjoy playing the game
10    Digunakan setelah Verb + Prepositin seperti: accused of, depend on, approve of, put off, insist on, give up, go on, think of etc.
Ex: Daniel gave up smoking because of his docter advice
11    Digunakan setelah Adjective + Prepositin seperti: accustomed to, afraid of, capable of, sorry for etc.
Ex: I’m tired of doing the work again
12    Digunakan setelah Noun + Prepositin seperti: choice of, excuse for, method of, habit of, possibility of, opportunity of, reason for etc.
Ex: there’s no reason for leaving so early
13    Digunakan untuk menyatakan ungkapan tertentu (idiomatic expression) yang menunjukkan kegiatan reaksi dengan dengan pola: Go + Gerund, seperti: go bowling, go shopping, go jogging, go swimming, go camping, go dancing etc.

Ex: do you go shopping?/We went fishing yesterday

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