Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Linking Arguments

Linking Arguments

Kadang kala dalam menyampaikan pendapat untuk meyakinkan orang lain kita dihadapkan pada keadaan dimana harus beradu argumentasi dengan orang tersebut. Dengan memberikan argumentasi yang baik maka ide, opini dan gagasan yang kita sampaikan dapat diterima dengan baik. Berikut ini beberapa kata penghubung argument yang dapat digunakan untuk mensupport opini kita.

Linking Arguments

First of all, I think …
Not only that, but I also think that …
Not only are they …, they are also …
They are not …, nor are they …
There are various/several/many reasons for this.
First, … / Firstly, …
Second, … / Secondly, …
Moreover, … / Furthermore, … / In addition, …
Another significant point is that …
Finally, …
On the one hand, … On the other hand, …
In contrast to this is …
Because of …
That is why …
After all, …
The reason is that …
In that respect …
The result of this is that …
Another aspect/point is that …
It is because …
Although it is true that … it would be wrong to claim that …
That may sometimes be true, but …
One could argue that …, but …

Sebagai contoh mari kita simak pemaparan berikut ini:  
Why do you have to stay at home? First of all, I think staying at home will minimize you contact 
with another people that have the desease. Second, you can increase your immunity by exercise
 and eat regularly. And finally, a low level of anxiety makes you healthier.
Kalimat diatas menunjukkan bahwa pernyataan “Why do you have to stay at home?” di berikan argument sehingga pernyataan tersebut menjadi lebih difahami.

Kadang kala juga kita harus menambahkan contoh untuk mensupport pendapat kita. Dibawah ini ada beberapa kata yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menerangkan contoh yang menyokong pendapat kita.

Providing Examples

Take for example (the case of) …
Look at …
For instance … / For example …
Let me give you an example.

Lalu kadang-kadang kita juga harus menambahkan penguatan argument dan kesimpulan untuk memperkuat pendapat kita. Dibawah ini ada beberapa kata yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menerangkan kesimpulan

Additions and Conclusion

Most probably …
It appears to be …
It is important to mention that...
As I already indicated …
In other words, …
I am most concerned about …
I should like to repeat once again that …
I should like to emphasise that …
I would (just) like to add …
So all in all I believe that...
(In) summing up it can be said that …
Weighing the pros and cons, I come to the conclusion that …

Sumber: https://www.ego4u.com/en/business-english/communication/reasoning


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