Friday, July 21, 2017



Words and expressions used in giving invitation
Kata-kata dan ungkapan yang digunakan dalam mengundang

Would you like to ….?
Would you care to ….?
Would you come to… ?
Would you mind ..?
Do you like to come ….?
What about ….?
Could you come to…?
I’ll really happy if you come to….
I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed to come to….

Words and expressions used in responding invitation

a.       Accepting invitation (Menerima undangan)

with pleasure
I’d love to very much
Thanks for your invitation
Yes, it would be nice
Yes, it would be very kind of you
Thank you for inviting me.
I would/will ….
That would be very nice.
I’d like to love to come.
That’s fine.
Sure. Why not?

b.      Declining invitation (Menolak Undangan)

I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can.
I’d like to, but ….
Thank you for asking me, but ….
Unfortunately, I can’t ….
I’m sorry I can’t. I have another boy friend 
Thanks but I’m afraid I can’t
Oh, I’d love to but I have to work.

Sebagai contoh mari kita lihat percakapan berikut ini :

Frank :

Lee :

Frank :

Lee :

Frank :

Lee :

Frank :

Lee :
Hi, Lee, wait! I want to talk to you.
Hai, Lee, tunggu! Aku ingin bicara denganmu.
What's up, Frank?
Ada apa, Frank?
I've been looking for you. It's my little brother's birthday today. We're holding a garden party this afternoon. I'd like to invite you to the party. (inviting statement)
Aku sudah mencari dirimu. Hari ini hari ulang tahun adikku. Kami akan mengadakan pesta   kebun sore ini. Aku ingin mengundangmu ke pesta tersebut.
That sounds great. What time? (accepting invitation)
Kelihatannya menarik. Pukul berapa?
At 3 pm. But, please come early, so that we can have a lot of fun.
Pukul 3 sore. Tapi datanglah lebih awal supaya kita dapat bersenang-senang.
Okay. I'll come early.
Okay. Aku akan datang lebih awal.
I must go now. Goodbye!
Aku harus pergi sekarang. Sampai jumpa!

dan lainya


  1. Icha Estetika
    Bpak penjelasan nya inggris smua
    Gak ngerti ��

  2. Ya namanya aja belajar bahasa Inggris
